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Date(s) - 02/26/2020
All Day


LentGraphicAsh Wednesday, Feb. 26: Lent begins a forty-day period of penance, preparation and spiritual renewal in preparation for the Holy Week & the celebration of Easter in the Catholic Church.

Ashes will be blessed and distributed during all of the following Masses:

Main Church
Masses:  7:30am,10am, 5:30pm – English

7pm Spanish

3:30pm Communion Service Spanish

 Mission Church

Masses:  9am  – English

7pm Spanish

Non-Catholics are welcome to receive ashes.

  • Ash Wednesday Marks the Beginning of Lent
    No meat can be taken by those 14 and older
    on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays.
    A limit of one full meatless meal by those 18-59
    on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
    Voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended
    Can include daily Mass, Scripture study,
    Stations of the Cross, alms giving and
    showing mercy and kindness to others.
    Self-Denial on weekdays during Lent.
    Prayer and Charity