531823_689248424425213_188422364_nCulture of Life Family Services

Culture of Life Family Services is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women in unplanned pregnancies with Free Ultrasound, Free Pregnancy Tests, and a variety of other free medical services. COLFS is the “flip-side” to Planned Parenthood and offers true reproductive health care and abortion alternatives to women.  They do care and we are ready to help

COLFS also serves the entire San Diego cialis online california community through holistic family medical care, natural family planning education, organic reproductive health care, fertility care, and physicals – for men, women, children and infants.


5030 Camino De La Siesta Suite 106
San Diego CA 92108 (map ?)
Appointments: (619) 692-4401
Fax (619) 692-8147
COLFS North County
362 West Mission Avenue Suite 105
Escondido CA 92025 (map ?)
Appointments: (760) 741-1224
Fax (760) 741-7010